Wednesday, 27 October 2010

The truth is I love being alive.

"The truth is I love being alive. And I love feeling free. So if I can’t have those things then I feel like a caged animal and I’d rather not be in a cage. I’d rather be dead. And it’s real simple. And I think it’s not that uncommon."
Last night I had a lovely evening. I havn't actually been sociable or been out for drinks in a while so it was a nice break to go to town and see old school friends. Who I miss rather a lot. I feel like life is changing so much and at such a fast pace right now. And before I've even had time to acknowledge it myself, my very closest friends are living all over the country and our lives are all moving onwards and upwards. It's exciting. But also means growing up.. GROWING UP. Now that's a concept I'd rather not think about for now.
As the quote says, (It's actually something Angelina Jolie said.) it says I love being alive. And yes. I do. I want to feel alive more often. Be spontaneous and free. What is life, is it isn't for living each day and being happy. Sometimes I need to remind myself of this.

I'm currently sat in my room nice and relaxed, scented candles burning and cup of tea by my side. All cosy and warm when it's raining and miserable outside. This is such a comforting feeling. Oh, and my beautiful dog has just jumped up to join me. Lovely. I'm ready to start the day. Uni work - I must do this! My grandmother is coming up to visit this afternoon and will be staying a few days. She's one of a kind. Lovely, kind, caring but in her own way. She's great. 
There was a possibility of me being in Manchester today so I'd been keeping it free. But looks like I'm lucky and got the day off. Definitely what I need. I'm relaxed, I'm happy and feeling so good because I know my best friends are here too and there's no pressure at all for today. None at all

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