Sunday, 13 October 2013

blurred weekends, modelling jobs, and white wine...

This weekend seems to have gone in a blur of wine, nice food, family, boyfriend, and decision making (aided by a couple of good gym sessions). I'm not sure that decisions are never easy to make but it does mean that things shall change, and change is most definitely good. Change means that the pace of life can keep moving forward. Change means that we are adapting to life rather than struggling to make life adapt to us.

I worked a modelling job on Friday for a great team of creatives with some really nice clothes that I actually enjoyed wearing. I did feel like I'd regressed into taking the role of a human puppet for the day, but it was really quite a welcomed break; to be told what to do, where to stand, where to place my hands/fix my gaze. It was a little frustrating being cold, quite hungry, and lacking caffeine.. but I shan't be fussy. As soon as we finished the shoot, before I'd even got home I stopped off in Leeds, and successfully found a bar where I consumed two glasses of white wine faster than my boyfriend had even finished his beers. If that doesn't say a little something about the contents of the week, I don't know what does!

So following a week of study, placement, work, modelling work, interviews, and decision making, it's safe to say that this coming week shall probably be no different.. it shall be a good one I hope.

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