Tuesday 17 July 2012


I have been able to spend some wonderful time with Amber during my week away. Particularly as of late, I am fully appreciating the friends I have who are there.
I have been good friends with Amber for a good few years now. I remember thinking of her as a friend who I doubt I'll ever lose contact with. You know? This girl has seen me at my best and worst. There was a time when we had never even met and I always imagined us to still write to each other in fifty years time as old ladies and tell beautiful stories of our lives, tragic happenings as life dealt us our cards, and the innermost thoughts that are ever so misunderstood by others. We would communicate and share lives as we posted letters overseas or wherever our lives end up. No matter where life takes you location-wise, the occasional letter or card or gift in the post shall always be sent. Phone calls will always be made, and good friends will always be understood and appreciated.
Thank you. X

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