Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Words... and more

It is about time this blog got a much needed update. I have been reflecting a lot lately on why I write so much. I even wrote about why I tend to write so much.. Writing about the very act of writing either defeats the point, or alternatively strengthens the point. Either way, it has been a relatively clarifying process and has certainly helped make sense of why I write this blog, why my journal is significantly weighty, why I don't mind writing assignments, and why my emails can sometimes be so unnecessarily wordy.. Or otherwise, not unnecessary, but rather necessary in my case! So much of life passes by each day, it seems a shame to allow it to pass by and not to at least share the things we saw; the things we noticed, and the things that meant something. 

As I sit with my computer, raspberry and apple tea, and my work mountain, (the pile has now evolved to a sizeable mountain) I realise that it is fast approaching midnight and if time is indeed an illusion, it is doing a wonderfully timely job at manipulating my mind here. I couldn't tell you where the past week has gone, nor could I explain why I feel like it is Friday yet it is only Tuesday and the week is really not even half way through yet. This past week I have had to bid a reluctant farewell to my car following a fairly traumatic experience with a break down and explosion of smoke... The silver lining here, however, is that I have purchased a beautiful new car and get to collect it this week. No more driving a fifteen year old corsa for me...

I seem to be booking some more modelling jobs recently which has triggered my thinking of spontaneous living vs. structure. This is a familiar battle ground for me; and one in which it is never easy to gauge a preferred field. But what is emerging is my need for difference and freedom. Flexibility allows life to be lived in a much more fluid manner, and I believe that we were made as fluid beings. At least, I was made as a fluid being - I was not made for rigidity and settlement, at least not just yet. Here are a couple of new Polaroids... for the spontaneous, slightly undermentioned, but very important part of my life.

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