Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Good morning

It undoubtedly is an incredibly beautiful morning. Well, in actual fact the morning has passed now. But it was lovely. The sunshine is lovely. I have been in the University library for a couple of hours and no work has been done. Absolutely no work whatsoever. I've just been becoming somewhat frustrated because I absolutely dislike turning down castings and shoots because I have university commitments too.
The more I allow my mind to contemplate, the more I find myself considering a year or two out of study. This is a little stressful, but what gives me the earthly right to complain when essentially I bring it all on myself?
I don't know. This stems from so many other confounded avenues in my mind too.

Anyway. Here are a couple of snaps of what my morning looked like. I do seem to rather enjoy floating peacefully in my own world even when surrounded with pressure.

1 comment:

  1. Tanyaaaaaa I love you!! Sorry your so stressed :( Also this lovely york picture has made me miss the city incredibly lots! xxxx
