Friday, 23 May 2014

bonkers leading the bonkers

I have survived the day fairly well on less than three hours sleep.. My mind is sufficiently researched out (the majority of today was spent at various research meetings) and then teaching the genetic and hormonal causes of aggression this evening... and yet I am still here, not sleeping. Interesting...

The most entertaining part of the day was not my mad panic wondering how I can schedule my travel tomorrow within the constraints of a 24 hour day. Which trains to take to where, and which cities would be best to leave my car at various points in the day...  In fact, my panic was not entertaining at all! The most entertaining part of the day was in fact the text message I received from my agency... 'Hi Tanya, can you send us a picture of your legs and your feet ASAP please'... The world seems to have gone  little bonkers today, and I am almost certain that it has made me bonkers today too...

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