Thursday, 15 May 2014

The unplanned

It is funny how peace can be found at the most unexpected times. Today was set to be a busy day, and it was still busy... but after finishing work earlier and having a longer break in the middle of the day, I found my way to a little gardens with a good coffee and my research. It also happened that the sun was shining so it was a ridiculously idyllic scenario. My sun trap haven was the perfect escape from what I believe is a very mad world at times. It is somewhat ironic that my 'escape' from the mad world involved reading about critical reflexivity, heuristic and interpretative approaches, and methods of capturing the meaning of experience. It seems like one escape from a mad world into another. 

I cannot be the only one who ends up in unplanned places and just thinks 'what...? How? Somewhere along the line I have made decisions that have gotten me right here right now, and it is mad. This evening I really must catch some rest soon. It is a busy week - my A level students have their exams, I have my own assignments and assessments, and my research is ever present. 

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