Tuesday, 1 July 2014

Moving with time

My endevour to complete all research interviews and all 57 pages/20,000 words of my practice file before my month away is a mission completed. It is happily sitting in my bag ready to submit tomorrow. All left to do is a couple meetings tomorrow to check in with research work before leaving, a meeting with my tutor, a trip to get some euros, and a late night of suitcase packing/maybe a little wine drinking. I shall always wish for more time in the day, but as discussed yesterday with a good friend, we are often fooled enough to think that we want or need certain impossibilities so much so that we wish for the day our fantastical illusions are made real only to find that it is not all that wonderful anyway. To have more time would take meaning away from our days. And to live in a perfect world as an inevitably imperfect and flawed human being would be just as torturous as wishing for perfection anyway.

So I reach the conclusion time and time again that I shall not fight time, I shall move with it. The universe works in wonderful ways and I am certain it does no good to fight against it. I am looking forward to packing up tomorrow evening and heading to Barcelona for a while. It is typical of me to question my decisions, but this one feels right. I will of course be working; taking some research with me but I will be modelling mainly, although only time will tell how much!

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