Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Time travel

When I am travelling and busy, it often feels as though I am time travelling because time seems to vanish into another realm and I successfully transport myself from one location to the next, while time has unknowingly and mysteriously disappeared. The concept of time is one that I shall always struggle to grasp. It fascinates me, yet it is incredibly intriguing how as human beings, we have absolutely no power or control over the speed in which time passes, yet we always (whether we are consciously aware or not) fight an impressive battle: 'Man vs time'. I mean, how many people do you know who set their clocks or watches five minutes ahead of time to avoid ever 'running late'? And how many times have you thought yourself, 'Oh man, if only I was a minute earlier I would have made that train'. Or even the more sincere things such as narrowly avoiding terrible accidents and having that thought 'That could have very easily been me..'

My mind is here getting carried away and oh so very engaged with all the scenarios I have been in where time has been the lead-role in determining fairly large consequences. Is it fate? Or timing? Simply luck, or the laws of probability? I think the most simple (yet somewhat unsatisfying answer) is that it's just life. Incredibly unsatisfactory answer in fact, but this wasn't intended to be the point of this blog post! This is just my mind running away with itself. Maybe this is it. We cannot control time. In fact, maybe much of the life we live is indeed controlled by that powerless, yet oh-so powerful clock on the wall that signifies the deadlines we must meet and the schedules we must stick to. It feels so contrived and restrained that we are constantly using our energy to fight back to win the time that is rightfully ours, when if we would just stop for a minute... Yes. What would happen if we did just stop? Anyway, stop, stop stop mind! Focus.

Back to the focus of this post: Time! In the context of work and life. I had a few more nights back in my new place in York and then I headed back down to London for a really great Annie Haak jewellery campaign that I booked. It was a wonderful shoot. There is so much to be said for the impact of positive people and positive surroundings. I think that happiness is contagious in times like this. The client was happy and the shoot, although was hard work, was very enjoyable. So I spend a couple of nights back in Kent, felt very disorientated when waking up in the mornings as I have been so up and down the country lately that I just didn't have a clue what bed I was in when I woke up. Thankfully I am back home again now and my room is slowing beginning to take shape and feel pretty nice. I travelled back on Saturday, had another shoot on Sunday, and today is Monday. So as you can probably tell, no time to think yet.

I have another intense week ahead. But this is good. Keeping positive and focussed on the things that bring happiness. Afterall, what's the point in not? It seems that positivity only attracts more good things. And equally, negativity attracts the bad and destructive. When given the choice, why would we choose the latter? On that rather happy note, I shall say good night. And leave you with a polaroid picture of the wrap of our shoot yesterday. My first shoot back up north in three months :) This is the wonderful team, minus Jamie who is behind the camera.

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