Monday, 11 February 2013

my sisters and I

In my family, I take on the role as being the eldest of four siblings, but this weekend was dedicated entirely to the three Beetham sisters. Bryony and I went to visit Frankie at University in Durham, and then Brys spent an extra night with me here in York. We did what only sisters do best: Chatted, walked, ate good food, drank wine, and discovered a beautiful little coffee shop which of course pleased me greatly. We explored the castle, town, shops, riverside walks, watched movies, and laughed so much at perhaps the silliest of things but lovely silly things nevertheless.
Bryony is 14 and still in high school. Frankie is in the first year of her law degree. And I am a model and in the final year of my Psychology and Counselling studies degree. We are each building entirely different lives for ourselves but we have the same foundations. I read once that there is always one sister who shines and the other lives in her shadow. Does this really happen in some families? This suggestion couldn't be further from the truth for us; we only need this weekend to prove such a statement to be blindingly wrong.
This post is for my sisters - for being beautiful and truly irreplaceable. x

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