Sunday, 15 September 2013

September views

It's mid September already and Autumn is in the air. It's not smoothly and gently changed with grace and ease. Rather it's like someone up there has just pressed the magical giant 'Autumn' button and the temperature has dropped and within a few days. Boots, knitwear, and long pyjama bottoms are welcomed back out of the wardrobe once more. And I no longer resent my lovely little car for its shockingly weak air conditioning system. I'm rather grateful for its somewhat stronger and more powerful heating.

Today has been really great. Apart from failing to locate some new notepads and stationary, I've spent the day with people who tend to share the kind of energy that you want to be around. We're human beings so of course life and stress wear us down. By our very nature, none of us can ever be perfect, and even if we were, my guess is that none of our problems would be solved. It would be a tragic shame to spend our lives striving to be this, only to wake up to the reality sooner or later that such a thing as a perfect human being or a perfect world doesn't exist in the world we live in. So yes - we are human beings; we fall and stumble and trip our way through life, learning where the potholes are and strategically avoiding them next trip we take, because we know now that they are sharp and deep and hidden and very painful. And sometimes there are lots in a row. But I'm finding that despite all of this, there are still people who are somehow radiant beings to be around. They still smile and they don't fight life.

Early this evening I embraced the autumnal air and went for a brief run. I am truly lucky to live next to this view... This evenings run was more like a glimpse of tropical paradise rather than just a quick run round the river next to my own home. I shall move away from Yorkshire one day probably not in the too distant future. I predict I'll be ready to leave once my Masters is complete and I've travelled the world a little more.. Travelled and stumbled across a good few potholes along the way. But for now, I am here and the views are simply magnificent. It's the sun..

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