Monday, 24 June 2013

A soul pleasing to-do list

This weekend I am absolutely unashamed to admit to neglecting the written to-do list of my diary in favour of my very own 'alternative' and much more soul pleasing to-do list. These have been much more enjoyable tasks such as spending an evening with a friend eating sushi and macaroons watching Saturday evening TV (I would usually be highly ashamed of this, but we opted to watch The Voice - which I happen to find really, really brilliant, probably due to Will. I. Am and his ability to be consistently ever present and highly, oddly, and wonderfully real). I have been running and practicing yoga, feeding my heart with Damien Rice's music, and catching up on some TV, consuming copious amounts of green tea and fresh lemon, and venturing to the store to stock up my kitchen cupboards. All of this has been a considerable attempt to eliminate all unwanted tension and stress.

I have, however, spent this evening sending out yet more emails. Emails at almost midnight on a Sunday evening might be interpreted as a number of things... I'm not quite sure what this says about me or how that will be potentially interpreted, but hey. At least they will land in the pile of unread mail in someone's mail box and be first in the list for Monday morning. An email is an email regardless of the time in which it was sent to the recipient. I had contacted six potential placements, of which four already had trainee places filled, one has requested my CV and a covering letter, and another has sent me their application form. I realize this isn't enough, so I have now contacted another six... Let's hope for some successful responses!

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