Tuesday 17 May 2011

Good times

The past couple of days have been good. Yesterday I hung out with Anna and Rachel for a while in York before heading back to university to have a cup of tea with another friend and then do some work. Which we did, a little. It was wonderful meeting the beautiful Rachel. She is always ever so sweet, ever so supportive, and a very beautiful being.

Today - really good. It was better than just 'really good' actually but I'm rather tired and cannot really articulate as well as I would like. My brain may as well be mush due to the amount of crazy things going on. I was shooting with two other girls today, and photographer Kerry Harrison at a beautiful location in a secluded log cabin in a forest up in the North. Not the usual location, but it was lovely. I ended up laughing so much that I began uncontrollably crying. We ended the day as every day should rightly be ended, in the hot tub before drying off and sleepily travelling back home.
One very tired me!

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