Thursday, 10 March 2011

Caffeine ban update

'People with panic disorder or generalized anxiety disorder are much more prone to reacting badly from increased heart rate. Caffeine, even in small doses, can create panic attacks and interfere with medications taken to calm the system. Caffeine does reduce dopamine, a chemical produced by the brain that affects the brain’s pleasure centers. This can create more depression and anxiety.'

It has been a week since I decided I will attempt to cut my caffeine intake out of my diet completely. After careful reflection and researching, I realise I do myself no favours at all with my continuous consumption of caffeine rich beverages. Just to mention a few, my skin, teeth, bones, chemical imbalances, blood sugar levels, mood, sleep pattern, anxiety.. They could all be improved on if I even reduced my caffeine intake. A good few months ago, I started my 'new health plan' to consume at least two litres of water a day. Which I have successfully been doing, but I realise that it is very much counter-balanced with my coffee drinking habits too. My aim is to hydrate my body and skin but I contradict that by drinking dehydrating drinks also.

So, to cut a long story short, I am drinking more water and herbal tea, and much less coffee. Definitely something that will benefit me in many areas I hope. With my job it is so important to keep my skin and body at it's best condition, so I really must make an effort. 

This week has been and (almost) gone so incredibly quickly. I don't really know where to begin. I wish it were Friday today. Friday seems like a much nicer day than a Thursday. On the plus-side, I finally had a hair cut this week. The dead ends of my golden locks are no longer existent. Perhaps this is the start of a slightly new me, who takes care of her hair and body. Being kind to ones self and not being set on a path of self destruction is much harder than it seems. Sometimes the logical and 'adult' side of the brain does not match up with the irrational, fearful, and deceitful side. This is where dangerous territory lies, because it leads to conflicting confusion, misery, self doubt, and more often than not, self hatred. Which is the most difficult feeling to shift, when it is a belief that has been set in stone for longer than some can even remember. 

I am extremely tired!
So I plan on retiring to bed....

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